Thistle Dew
Playwrights Workshop
Readers needed for Play Readings
Saturday mornings at 10:00
If you would like to read new plays or if you have a play or monologue to be read and critiqued by the workshop,
email Tom at .
Prepare to bring sufficient copies for each of your characters + one for stage directions reader.
Thistle Dew &
Super PAC Auditions
Saturday mornings at 10:00.
New 'blogs'
announcing our coming events:
The Thistle Dew Theatre:
Thistle Dew Theatre Playwright Workshop
Social and Political Comment "Word on the Street":
Playwrights and Their plays
Super PAC: Political Action Comedy:
The (almost) Complete Play Works of Thomas M. Kelly:
The Thistle Dew Center For Literary Art: Poetry and Narrative Inquiry:
KTDT: Sacramento's Original Thistle Dew Digital Radio Theatre
"Click" on them and "voila", "ta-da" and "presto"
there we are.
If you have any problems give us a call 457-6286.
Thanks, Tom and Ellie